NewJeans Custom Bunny Necklaces by JIWON CHOI JEWELRY
We recently designed custom bunny necklaces for NewJeans (ADOR). We collaborated with ADOR to create iced-out silver necklace pieces with crystals embellished with a pendant representing each member's color. These pieces are rather lightweight than the usual iced-out pieces for all the members to dance in.
Thousands of crystals are finished with traditional stone settings and the pieces are highly polished by hand. The back of the lock is engraved with logos.
Photo via Instagram @newjeans_ador #착장인가, 인기가요 230115
[Official Performance with Custom Bunny Necklaces]
- 230129: https://youtu.be/jUmeh5yvy0M
- 230115: https://youtu.be/h_C-WR-nySg
White crystals for Haerin of NewJeans
- Haerin wearing the necklace on SBS Inkigayo 230129: https://youtu.be/PUZDbMcYPxg / 230115: https://youtu.be/JBwIdrir5vw
Pink crystals for Hanni of NewJeans
- Hanni wearing the necklace on SBS Inkigayo 230129: https://youtu.be/ZIyLmfF2PMY 230115: https://youtu.be/60RaggLgggE
Yellow crystals for Minji of NewJeans
- Minji wearing the necklace on SBS Inkigayo 230129: https://youtu.be/OdEnLDiTawA 230115: https://youtu.be/nMAC0IweGDE
Green crystals for Danielle of NewJeans
- Danielle wearing the necklace on SBS Inkigayo 230129: https://youtu.be/NDTuPvEvVRI 230115: https://youtu.be/MgVP1_So8H0
Blue crystals for Hyein of NewJeans
- Hyein wearing the necklace on SBS Inkigayo 230129: https://youtu.be/wh3pyf5lmH0 230115: https://youtu.be/ZMP83AqwP_U
[Inkigayo Performance 2023-01-29]
- Clip 1: https://youtu.be/jUmeh5yvy0M
- Clip 2(Full 4K): https://youtu.be/xcRtOYjBYXc
- Clip 3(One Take Stage): https://youtu.be/7b2Nbr34BW4
- Clip 4(#1 Ditto): https://youtu.be/-rr-AOreXQU
[Inkigayo Performance 2023-01-15]
- Clip 1: https://tv.naver.com/v/32394050
- Clip 2: https://youtu.be/KgyxvCLsUsI
- Clip 3: https://youtu.be/20mMVe-gEPs
[NewJeans YouTube Channel]
- Clip: https://youtu.be/YBJk2dUzLiY
Photo via @NewjeansAdor Twitter
Styling art director: Choi Yoo Mi (ADOR)
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